Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Text File
75 lines
FileType Clashes :-
&CD3 Silicon Vision's Solid CAD & Quick Art / High Art
&004 AOutline, by Paul Hobbs & AIM.
&007 MidiDump & LCrypted
&010 AIM+ & Mailabl
&050 Filer & FracDef
&0CC Card & HellFile
&100 Config &
&111 RS DOS & MS-DOS Compacted Archives
&113 FastSpr
&1FF OldSong & Tiger
&180 Mail & Copier180
&400 Archway 2 & Guardmod, by Jon Ribbens
&401 Archway 2 & Clares Graphicwriter
&402 Archway 2 & Clares GWMaster
&403 Archway 2 & Clares GWVdu
&404 Archway 2 & Clares GWMulti
&405 Archway 2, Metafile & Clares Tempest DTP
&406 Archway 2 Key & Account
&407 Archway 2 Choices & Label
&408 Archway 2 Pointers, AOutline & Tempest DTP Document
&409 Archway 2 (Again!), Backup & Tempest DTP Stylesheet
&40A Archway 2 FillPats & Tempest DTP Stylesheet
&40B Archway 2 & Tempest DTP_Flow
&40C Archway 2 LinePats & Tempest DTP
&40D Archway 2 & TempestDTP
&40E Archway 2 CharSets & Tempest DTP
&410 AlphaBase & OS2 MetaFile & Archway2 Code & GIF
&411 Archway2 & TaskList
&412 Archway 2 IClasses & TelPhone
&413 Archway2 & SpoolBuf
&419 Archway2 & Options
&420 Archway2 Custom & PrintSet
&5F4 SparkScr & Fractal
&600 Loggalog & Mandel
&666 Read, CGM & AmazeLev
&700 Archway 2 & DissiCtr & Speculator
&701 Archway 2 & KeyDefs & Protrack & Speculator
&702 DissMdle & Speculator
&777 Graph & Graphdat
&7EF MailFile & Morph
&7F1 ChartFil & PowerBase
&7F2 PowerBase & KeyStrip
&7FF Psion & FS Options & SCRUtils
&800 Tape Inlay & Uniform
&AAA RiscOs3 & Compdraw
&C87 Elite & Personal Accounts
&C88 AldeComm & Personal Accounts
&CB8 CashWide & 7Script
&CCC MayJong & DietSprite
&D21 PDMacro & PDCmndFil
&D30 CommProc & DTOComms
&D40 Help & PDDoc
&D41 OutData & List
&D66 HearSay & PAX & ViewData
&D74 TypeFile & MitBakup
&DAF Sample & VPallette & MagPie Music
&7FF SCRUtils & Flare
Well, I think that the award for the most filetypes must go to
Archway II by Simtron (surely that number of filetypes
is not necessary!)
If an unknown filetype gets a name but no sprite after
running me, I do not have a copy of said sprite.
If you do, send it to me. Your disc will be returned
with the latest version and filled up with other PD.
Due to the way that I have added some of the Sprites,
the sprite may not tie up with it's filetype (this
will only happen where there is more than one file per
type). If this happens, and you know the proper name
& have the proper sprite, send me a copy of it please.